Saturday, May 25, 2013


   I don’t believe that I should worry with this theme more than any other person. Maybe I should, ‘cause I’ve been seeing, even if subtly, sensing like doctrinal defense, this theme on Spiritism. People invested of great faith and enthusiasm, execrate others for not presenting themselves in the traditional form, demanded in the orthodox language. Spiritism is an open doctrine that evolves on time and diverse cultures. To demand maintenance of Allan Kardec’s composing, on today’s writings and speeches, deposes against himself, who advocated the evolutionary character of Spiritism. It’s not changing already written books, nor wresting contents, but to write new books and bring new ideas. We should think about Spiritism’s basic principles. We should research to better explain Spiritism’s basic principles. We should magnify the spiritist religion, for then to postulate as universal religiosity. Nothing like this will happen if we maintain a stubborn mind, on crystallized ideas, even if coherents, although anachronistic in its final format.

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.


   I have to agree with Baudelaire when he says that: “as it was the imagination that created the world, she rules it”. Jung stated that “(the fantasy)… is the mother of all possibilities where inner and outer worlds form a live unit, as all psychological opposites”. Well he, Baudelaire, could have said that “the relativization in life contributes for the person’s singularity. Hasn’t said, maybe because he saw the world as Matrix, movie inspired on his ideas. The more you dream, imagine, put your thought to travel by the stars, as it was whispering winds, the more you penetrate into the real world, that rules the senses world. It’s exactly for the fantasizing possibility that the human forges knowledge. This fantastic capacity of creating, transforming imaginary in concretization possibilities, that life  happens each day. It’s this capacity that should be used for understanding stigma. A mark, a stigma, can have many meanings, thanks to fantasy, that will always search in reality for a form to manifest itself as a symbol. Without understanding  its real meaning, its origins and causes, the human being give it a symbolic one, directing his life according to and as an egoic understanding.

Translations and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


   The perspective brought by Allan Kardec and followed by many mediums and Spiritism’s scholars is a private idea of the spiritual dimension that, in its whole, produces on the collective soul a sheepish perception, nevertheless, not misguided of the reality in the Universe. This means that what, in fact, exists in the spiritual dimension is even bigger and more complex from what is brought or shown by Spiritism’s doctrine. All comes from the linguistic limitations and comprehension possibilities by the spirit, facing its evolution level. It’s, in fact, necessary to deconstruct ideas to reach a new knowledge, with what there won’t have progress. The vision of spiritual life is very close or similar to the material life; it represents a limitation to be surpassed for the own spirit to perceive far beyond of the limits of its own belief. Such belief imprisons it, even if it takes to see afar from common sense. Spiritism can go far beyond, since its scholars pass up, without fear of the criticism or foreclosures by its own peers.

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.

Friday, May 17, 2013

I AM...

...what I try to say and intend to do.
...what I intend to think and what I imagine to build.
...what I idealize to fulfill and what my creativity suggests.
...what I don’t think and don’t speak, but keep in, boiling, waiting for materialization.
...what I don’t do and don’t act, but externalizes in my psychosphere.
...what I don’t feel and don’t believe on, but insists in wanting to show on myself, like a living strength and boosts me on.
...what, on you, is alive, active and permits you to know yourself.
...what allows you to legitimate yourself as an individuality.
...comes from your creation., with you to the manifestation of divinity.

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.

Monday, May 13, 2013

I HAVE MUCH... tell about myself. I wait for silent ears that fit my pains and my yelling; listen about my own soul. I hope that it tells much, it says very loud what it feels and thinks, to sensitize my little ears; feel what goes by another’s soul. I hope that my sensitizes and allows itself to break with severity; make to break the inertia. I hope that my mind enjoy the divine energy available on my own being; live the spirituality that manifests itself around me. I hope that the world that have built don’t boycott its own transcendent expression; love life. I hope not to let myself win by rationality, that doesn’t part from passion by the human being; feel’s God’s soul that manifests itself in beauty, in nature, in peace and in the taste for harmony.

Translation by Flau Fontenelle.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


   The Copenhagen conference about climate changes, with its attempt of reduction of greenhouse gases on Earth, made me think about the evolutionary condition of Humanity. Many proposals presented make us realize that the human being thinks already as a earthly unit. Someday we’ll have a world wide central of control and eradication of diseases, a central coordination with representatives of all religions, a permanent assembly with representatives from the whole planet’s culture, an eradication central of hunger, a financial and patrimonial central, a peace central, etc. Maybe, from now on, the planet may deserve to have direct access to other civilizations spread around the Universe.

Translation by Flau Fontenelle.

Friday, April 19, 2013


   Happy New Year for all those who read me. That the done promises and the intended yearnings may be performed with the necessary outlay of personal energy that becomes collective. That the beginning of a new cycle contemplates a bigger consciousness of personal immortality and to the other, to share what exists in me, be it joy, ideas or resources.  I remember of Francis, Claire and Mary too, that don’t, and shouldn’t have, as lastname, Charity. I feel a natural desire of giving, to share and to connect myself by the heart to another. How I would like to have, besides to feel, the practice that the word suggests. Charity is love in motion by the way of the heart.

Translation and picture choice by Flau Fontenelle.